5 Casino Party Mistakes to Avoid

We want your casino party to be a success. That’s why Casinos by M&M only employs charismatic, professional dealers and uses beautiful, authentic tables.

It’s important that you don’t overlook experience and quality and hire a casino party company based solely on price. Let’s take a look at more casino party mistakes to avoid:

1. Not booking early enough

If you’ve decided to hire a casino party company for your next event, it’s important that you don’t put off booking. This is especially true in December and January, when lots of companies are holding corporate holiday parties. Give us a call at 1-800-HAVE-A-BLAST as soon as you decide to bring a little Las Vegas action to your next event!

2. Not understanding your audience

iStock_000009269822_LargeIt’s so important for you to know your guests and what they want. Otherwise, your party may not suit their desires. If you have the opportunity, ask them a few questions. How many people will be attending? What is their age range? What are their favorite casino games? Having this information will help you tailor your event properly.

3. Not offering prizes

Without prizes, your guests may feel like there’s no incentive to play. What’s a casino party without anyone participating in the games? Again, ask invitees beforehand what types of prizes they’d like to play for. This will add a little fun competition.

4. Not considering additional entertainment

This isn’t necessarily true for every occasion and venue, but you may want to add a little something to your casino party. Casinos by M&M offers everything from photo booths to cigar girls. At the very least, it’s worth considering!

5. Not hiring Casinos by M&M

Yes, this is the part where we plug ourselves. We’re family owned and operated, you’ll deal directly with the owners, we boast a professional staff of hand-picked dealers, and we’re licensed and insured. You simply won’t find all that elsewhere.

Visit Casinos by M&M online to learn more about what we do. Don’t forget to connect with us on Facebook, Google+and Twitter as well!

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