A Party Menu Everyone Will Love

Get rolling with a thrilling Vegas-style party of a lifetime, guaranteeing a full house, with our drool-worthy three-course menu ideas.

Rocking The Cocktail Hour

Start them slow and keep the dice rolling with beers and wines as backup, margaritas are a classic hit, or parlay with one of these trends in cocktails:

  • exotic fruit martinis: passion fruit and lychees top the list
  • fruit-infused: pineapples gaining notoriety
  • vegetable juices: for the healthy party-goers
  • zero-proof: or mocktails to play one’s cards right by the Millenials and Gen Zs

Dress your cocktail with garnishing anywhere from spices to fruits to fruit peels. Whet your guests’ appetite with a range of small plates or finger foods, complimenting your cocktails that include:

  • sliders: pulled pork, chicken, or crab
  • popcorn shrimp
  • mini-tacos
  • deviled eggs toast
  • dips: hummus, guacamole, or spinach artichoke
  • cheese platter

Entree The Ace of Hearts

When your casino party reaches its peak, keep the hungry satiated and go royal flush with Vegas buffet-style entrees. Most popular top choices are Prime ribs, Mac n’ Cheese, and vegetarian indulgences of roasted cauliflower or roasted potatoes. Extend to full deck adding one or more of:

  • roasted chicken
  • fried chicken
  • crab legs
  • salmon fillets

Sweeten the Pot

Round-off the party with a decadent finish of desserts resembling casino-themed creations. Cash in on your punters’ chips with anything chocolate and other indulgent treats:

  • chocolate brownies: shaped and decorated like cards
  • cookies: with white icing and decorated like casino chips
  • tahini desserts: a trend is to add tahini into cookies, cupcakes, and milkshakes
  • fruit platter: an array of fruits is always refreshing

Consider offering trending teas or coffee now and as guests begin to leave and the party fetters out.

You are sure to hit the jackpot when you use Casinos by M&M, professionals specializing in Las Vegas-style parties! Call us or check out our website for more information!

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